Webinar: Material Considerations for Plumbing

Based on the findings from our Plumbing Specification Guide, this AIA course explains how the characteristics of materials used for drinking water, wastewater, and fire-suppression systems impact the health, safety, and sustainability of buildings. eligible for HSW credit.
Fire Safety Characteristics of Pipe Materials

Part 2 of our recap of the presentation & discussions at the BSS conference. We focus on fire safety issues like combustibility, toxic releases, & firestopping.
Sustainability Characteristics of Piping Materials

Contractors, engineers, & manufacturers raised great questions after our presentation to the invite-only BSS Conference at Wembley Stadium in London. We focused on two important issues that don’t always get the focus they deserve: sustainability & fire safety
Limiting Legionella in Piping Systems

Limiting Legionella in Building Water Systems New Techniques to Gauge & Limit Risk Cases of Legionnaires disease (a form of pneumonia) and Pontiac fever (a flu-like illness) continue to increase, according to CDC research published in March 2022. Piping systems represent a significant source of risk, as Legionella bacteria can grow in the pipes of […]
Wildfires Threaten to Contaminate Water

Recent research illustrates the relationship between piping systems, wildfires, and contaminated drinking water. One key finding: plastic piping materials like polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polybutylene (PB) were present in distribution networks affected by contamination.
The Rise and Fall of Lead Piping: A Brief History

The Rise and Fall of Lead Piping: A Brief History Lead piping was used in almost every major U.S. city for many plumbing applications in 1900, including to transport drinking water. Millions of lead pipes are still in in use across the country. As demonstrated by serious lead-in-water incidents in Flint, Michigan; Milwaukee, Wisconsin; Newark, New Jersey […]