AWWA Study: Wildfire caused widespread drinking water distribution network contamination

This work outlines factors that influence wildfire-induced drinking water quality threats based on the findings from the Tubbs Fire (2017) and Camp Fire (2018) and explores scientific and policy issues.
Wildfires Threaten to Contaminate Water

Recent research illustrates the relationship between piping systems, wildfires, and contaminated drinking water. One key finding: plastic piping materials like polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polybutylene (PB) were present in distribution networks affected by contamination.
Northwest US Wildfires Introduce Critical Threat to Water Quality

The relationship between piping systems, wildfires, and water quality has largely been silent throughout history. Only in the past decade, have concerns been raised on how certain piping materials contaminate water supplies when melted.
Building Materials Matter: Firefighters Burdened by Facility Infrastructure

The leading cause of occupational deaths for firefighters is cancer, killing two out of three firefighters who die in the line of duty. Plastic fuels much of the toxic smoke that threatens firefighter health.
Plastic Piping Contaminated Water after Wildfires

Plastic Piping Contaminated Water after Wildfires Studies of communities impacted by wildfires found burned and melted plastic piping contaminated community water systems with high levels of carcinogenic benzene. Research from the American Water Works Association, “Smoke and Water Don’t Mix,” looked for benzene sources in the wake of fire disasters in California. A research team […]
Plastic’s Environmental Burden Covers Land, Sea, and Sky

Plastic is attacking our environment from all angles. As seen in Houston, the amount of harmful toxins being emitted into the air continues to grow in conjunction with the expanding plastic industry.
Why would Congress add more dangers to firefighting?

A 2019 International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) statement highlighted that plastic piping is a dangerous material in construction that causes airborne and waterborne contamination. Additionally, the IAFF notes that gasses released from plastics can cause long-term health risks to workers exposed to these products.
Study: PVC Pipes Emit Dangerous Contaminants in Air, Water, Amplifying Fire Risks

The study urges that the presence of plastic piping (HDPE, PP, PVC) in areas prone to fire risks creates “serious impacts on environment, public health and infrastructure.
Plastic Pipes – A Fire Safety and Cancer Causing Health Risk?

Developers, builders, and code officials need to reduce and restrict the use of plastics installed in buildings before they cause harm to either firefighters or building occupants.
Considerations for Safe, Resilient Piping Systems

Piping is a fundamental aspect of every building, delivering potable water, handling wastewater, and providing ventilation to help maintain air quality, among other functions. Current research has identified several issues to consider when evaluating the pipe and fittings in a building.