Louisiana Residents Fight Massive Plastic Facility and Associated Pollution

Environmentalists and residents recently forced Formosa Plastics, a plastics supplier described by judges as a “serial offender” against the environment, to suspend the construction of a proposed 2,400 acre petrochemical complex in St. James Parish, Louisiana.
WILDFIRES: After the blazes: poisoned water and a ‘flood on steroids’

Historic wildfires raging from California to Colorado are weakening watersheds and setting the stage for deadly mudslides and flooding and, in some places, threatening to poison critical water supplies
AWWA Study: Wildfire caused widespread drinking water distribution network contamination

This work outlines factors that influence wildfire-induced drinking water quality threats based on the findings from the Tubbs Fire (2017) and Camp Fire (2018) and explores scientific and policy issues.
Plastic’s Environmental Burden Covers Land, Sea, and Sky

Plastic is attacking our environment from all angles. As seen in Houston, the amount of harmful toxins being emitted into the air continues to grow in conjunction with the expanding plastic industry.
Plastic Pipes – A Fire Safety and Cancer Causing Health Risk?

Developers, builders, and code officials need to reduce and restrict the use of plastics installed in buildings before they cause harm to either firefighters or building occupants.
Impacts of Pipe Leaching on Water

Impacts of Pipe Leaching on Water Chemical interactions between water and piping materials — typically oxidation — and the principles of osmosis mean all piping materials leach substances into water to some degree. Some materials are far safer than others, however. For example, lead pipes and fittings have emerged as a serious public health threat […]