Louisiana Residents Fight Massive Plastic Facility and Associated Pollution
Environmentalists and residents recently forced Formosa Plastics, a plastics supplier described by judges as a “serial offender” against the environment, to suspend the construction of a proposed 2,400 acre petrochemical complex in St. James Parish, Louisiana.
How Does Plastic Cause Air Pollution?
There are many factors that contribute to air pollution: the burning of fossil fuels, the release of chemical pesticides, and now plastic pollution. But how does plastic cause air pollution?
Building Materials Matter: Firefighters Burdened by Facility Infrastructure
The leading cause of occupational deaths for firefighters is cancer, killing two out of three firefighters who die in the line of duty. Plastic fuels much of the toxic smoke that threatens firefighter health.
Why would Congress add more dangers to firefighting?
A 2019 International Association of Fire Fighters (IAFF) statement highlighted that plastic piping is a dangerous material in construction that causes airborne and waterborne contamination. Additionally, the IAFF notes that gasses released from plastics can cause long-term health risks to workers exposed to these products.