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One in Three Children Have Unacceptably High Lead Levels

Lead contamination has long been recognized as a health hazard, particularly for the young. But a new study asserts that the extent of the problem is far bigger than previously thought, with one in three children worldwide – about 800 million in all – threatened by unacceptably high lead levels in their body.

Impacts of Pipe Leaching on Water

Impacts of Pipe Leaching on Water Chemical interactions between water and piping materials — typically oxidation — and the principles of osmosis mean all piping materials leach substances into water to some degree. Some materials are far safer than others, however. For example, lead pipes and fittings have emerged as a serious public health threat […]

Fires Melt Plastic Pipes and Release Carcinogens into Water Supplies

Fires Melt Plastic Pipes and Release Carcinogens into Water Supplies As fires like the devastating Camp Fire occur nationwide, water quality crises have become part of the aftermath. In recent years wildfires have claimed cities, communities and millions of acres of land. According to the National Interagency Fire Center, 10 million acres burned in 2017, 8.8 […]

4 Ways Contaminants Penetrate a Building’s Water Supply

4 Ways Contaminants Penetrate a Building’s Water Supply In North America, the benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene and xylene (BTEX) hydrocarbon group represents a main source of groundwater contamination. Its ability to permeate many common piping materials makes it especially difficult to protect against, which can be concerning considering BTEX is an established carcinogen. The Environmental Protection Agency has […]