About Paul Hagar

Risks to East Palestine Piping from Vinyl Chloride Spill

In February 2023, over 1 million pounds of carcinogenic vinyl chloride fouled the air, soil, & water of East Palestine OH. Contamination remains a serious concern despite declarations of safety. Safe Piping Matters calls for officials to recommend that families take measures to protect themselves… more

Air Pollution, Environmental Impact, Health & Safety, Permeation, Uncategorized, Water

Evaluating Plastic Pipes: Combustibility & Toxicity

Engineers and architects use plastic pipe for many critical systems – including drain, waste, and vent (DWV), water distribution, fire suppression sprinklers, and other applications – across a wide variety of building types. These systems are installed throughout structures, making it essential to understand how they will perform during fire incidents. This report examines fire safety aspects of plastic piping materials, including one of the most commonly used, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), through a review of relevant research… more

Fire Safety
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