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Burning PVC Pipes Emit Toxic Chemicals

Independent testing confirms burning PVC pipes release dangerous levels of toxic gases that can exceed safety limits within minutes. The results support reevaluation of building codes, material selection, and fire safety regulations.

Report: Issues for Plumbing in Plenum Spaces

This report explores issues building professionals must address when specifying piping materials for plenum spaces, including fire safety, air quality, mechanical durability, sustainability, & long-term financial /legal considerations.

Firestopping Pipe Penetrations: Materials, Issues & Recommendations

This report reviews issues related to firestopping assemblies for various plastic piping materials including polyvinyl chloride (PVC), chlorinated polyvinyl chloride (CPVC), polyethylene (PE), & crosslinked polyethylene (PEX) plastic, as well as non-combustible piping materials such as copper, iron, & steel.

Webinar: Material Considerations for Plumbing

Based on the findings from our Plumbing Specification Guide, this AIA course explains how the characteristics of materials used for drinking water, wastewater, and fire-suppression systems impact the health, safety, and sustainability of buildings. eligible for HSW credit.

Evaluating Plastic Pipes: Combustibility & Toxicity

Engineers and architects use plastic pipe for many critical systems – including drain, waste, and vent (DWV), water distribution, fire suppression sprinklers, and other applications – across a wide variety of building types. These systems are installed throughout structures, making it essential to understand how they will perform during fire incidents. This report examines fire safety aspects of plastic piping materials, including one of the most commonly used, polyvinyl chloride (PVC), through a review of relevant research.

Sustainability Characteristics of Piping Materials

Contractors, engineers, & manufacturers raised great questions after our presentation to the invite-only BSS Conference at Wembley Stadium in London. We focused on two important issues that don’t always get the focus they deserve: sustainability & fire safety