Plastic Waste

Extended Producer Responsibility: A Problem for Plastics

Companies cannot continue ignoring the full impacts of the goods they produce, including depletion of unrenewable materials and pollution of the environment. Extended producer responsibility (EPR) considers these previously untracked financial and environmental costs and seeks to establish systems that will pay for them. Plastic has emerged as a prime focus of EPR initiatives. Here’s why…… more


Piping Systems – Designing for Human Health and Safety

Piping Systems – Designing for Human Health and Safety Webinar with Architectural Record presented 9/22/2021 by Paul Hagar  Summary Millions of piping systems across North America bring clean water to families, schoolchildren,… more


One in Three Children Have Unacceptably High Lead Levels

Lead contamination has long been recognized as a health hazard, particularly for the young. But a new study asserts that the extent of the problem is far bigger than previously thought, with one in three children worldwide – about 800 million in all – threatened by unacceptably high lead levels in their body. … more


Chemical Leaching from Plastic Pipes

Andrew Whelton’s latest study confirms that plastic drinking water pipes release benzene and other volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into the water supply when exposed to extreme heat. … more

air pollution plastic
Air Pollution

How Does Plastic Cause Air Pollution?

There are many factors that contribute to air pollution: the burning of fossil fuels, the release of chemical pesticides, and now plastic pollution. But how does plastic cause air pollution? … more

Fire Safety

Wildfires Threaten to Contaminate Water​

Recent research illustrates the relationship between piping systems, wildfires, and contaminated drinking water. One key finding: plastic piping materials like polyvinyl chloride (PVC), high-density polyethylene (HDPE), and polybutylene (PB) were present in distribution networks affected by contamination… more